Get Involved

Spread the Love

Your involvement in our organization is appreciated and goes towards providing help and hope to millions of Americans. NAMI Jacksonville offers a variety of opportunities for community members to get involved and help those in need.

A image of a group of people sitting together in the grass all laughing and talking with each other

Community Meetings

NAMI Jacksonville holds quarterly Community Meetings open to anyone in our community who would like to learn more about NAMI Jacksonville, our programs, and get to know our volunteers and leaders.

See our Events Calendar for our upcoming Community Meetings.

Ways to Get Involved

There are many ways that you can get involved in NAMI Jacksonville. Volunteer to tell your story and share your experiences to promote mental health awareness; Lead a NAMI class or support group; become a Member in NAMI; Advocate for change for better mental health systems and treatment; or Donate to our local affiliate to help maintain our free local programming to individuals and families experiencing mental illness.  

A image of a brick path. within the pattern of the bricks there is a cutout of a heart shape
an image of a pile of coins on a table


Our mission would not be possible without the support of these organizations, companies and people who support us on so many levels each year. Thank you!

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Help our citizens live better lives by helping to lead programs and sharing your story with our community.

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A image of a group of individuals all wearing blue shirts all huddled together

Sign up for Newsletters

Guidance and compassion when you need it the most!Sign up for our quarterly newsletters for continuous updates on NAMI Jacksonville information.

Read Archived NewslettersSign Up Today
a image of a person reaching out and holding another persons hand
A image from the nami walks event with a large crowd all walking together. there is a large archway made out of blue and yellow balloons seen along the path


Become a member in NAMI Jacksonville today and help support programs and mental health awareness in our community

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NAMI Advocates to improve the quality of life of individuals living with mental illness. See how your efforts can help!

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a image of a person reaching out and holding another persons hand
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